Monday, June 27, 2005

My first evening at the Billy Graham Crusade

These photos were taken on Saturday evening, 6/25/05. I had a great time, although there were some things that seemed strange and unnecessary to me. Billy Graham did not preach in a particularly inspiring or moving manner, but his message was plain and true to the teachings of the Bible. It was very thrilling to be surrounded by so many Christians. It's too bad I don't have a better zoom lense. I was so far away, and this was the best I could do get a close view of the stage. Anyhow, here are the shots from the first night the following day I had a closer seat and the pictures came out a bit better.


  1. Peter, this is so nice. I like those panoramic pictures. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Peter, it's nice to see you have a place to share your thoughts. I've gone too long without hearing them. And I'm glad you were blessed by the Crusade. However, please include some pictures of attractice white women on your blog. That would be most appreciated!
