Saturday, January 22, 2005

Markster Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is what hangs on the walls of the hallowed Waldvogel Art Musuem in Queens, NY. When several tourists recently came thru, and saw this off American sculpture coming out of the wall with two thumbs up, they paused, and then one said, "Yes, but is it art?"
And the other one replied, "It's breathing." Soon, the sculpture, which was assumed to be fake, fell down off the wall and onto the floor. Since it was indeed a real person, it did not break into a 1000 pieces. It then went on its merry way, shocking the many tourists, who launched into thunderous applause. All this while amateur photographer Peter Mark Waldvogel of New York City captured the indescribable, convivial moment. Truly a time to be remembered, and for those of you who weren't there, you must be kicking yourselves...